Ian Rose is a designer living & working in San Francisco.

Flu Frenzy
NBC News Special: A century after the “Spanish flu” pandemic of 1918 left millions dead, this season has been one of the worst in a decade.

Year in Pictures: 2017
NBC News special: Devastating natural disasters, the first year of the Trump administration, a total solar eclipse, and the worst mass shooting in modern U.S. history.

Lighting the West, dividing a tribe
NBC News special: The people of Black Mesa, Arizona, fear the loss of jobs if a power plant and coal mine close, but also expect their health and environment to improve.

How to Save a Sinking Island
NBC News special that tells the stories of the Deal Island locals and their fight with the rising sea level destroying their homes. The peninsula is expecting and preparing for future disasters.

Faces of the Future
TODAY special that tells the stories from Generation Z, the first wave to enter adulthood following President Trump’s election.

Old Borders, New Worries
NBC News special that tells the story about the status of the Irish border, which was a flashpoint during the 30-year conflict known as “The Troubles,” threatens to derail Brexit talks.

Airplane Mode
NBC News special: Narrower seats, emotional support animals, cabin class divides and overhead departments galore. An odd new era in air travel has some Americans tweeting mad.

Post Bail
NBC News special: America’s justice system runs on the exchange of money for freedom. Some say that’s unfair. But can data fix it?

Journey of a Bullet
NBC News special that tells the stories of six men and women coping after traumas suffered from Iraq to the streets of Chicago.

The Healers
NBC News special that shows the lives of doctors and nurses in a small hospital in Kabul.

United States of Trump
A NBC News special that takes an inside look at the voters who took over the Republican party.

An experience for the twelve-episode documentary series from the producers of Dateline NBC.

A Texas Pipeline's Controversial Path
NBC News special that covers a planned pipeline in the Big Bend region of Texas and its affect on the communities.

A modern news aggregator that combines ‘topic relevance’ and ‘social trends’ to recommend the best stories.

A CSS preprocessor toolkit that helps set type and elements in Ems with modular scale, vertical rhythm, and responsive ratio based headlines.

Joule Solar Energy
Joule Solar Energy needed a consumer facing website that worked across devices to attract new customers and provide resources for current customers.

Clear Creek Transit Village
Clear Creek Transit Village needed a brochure site to help attract investors and provide resources for the CCTV development team.
Critical Styles in a Sass Metalsmith Project
Using the Metalsmith FileData plugin to create critical styles from compiled Sass.
Line Length on News Websites
An analysis of the measure of body text across some top news websites.
Harp.js Previous and Next using EJS
Provide the user with previous and next page navigation in a Harp.js site using Embeded JavaScript.
The Too Good to Be True CSS Text Rendering Property
The CSS text rendering property is a mixed bag. On initial pass it seems to be an obvious choice for improving type on the web.
Getting Posts by Category with Hexo
While building with Hexo I came across a need to get all the posts by a specific category and render them through a specific partial.
Organizing Styles When Using Typesettings
At work I’ve been cranking on a prototype. I decided to give a Typesettings a go in more of a production setting that required designing in the browser.
Permanent Redirect GitHub Project Page to Custom Domain
How to get a GitHub hosted project site to 301 redirect to a custom domain name using CloudFlare.
A Sass Type Toolkit: Typesettings
Setting type using modular scale and maintaining vertical rhythm is not a new topic. There are so many great tools and articles out there that help designers do these things. However I couldn’t find exactly what I was looking for.